Moondog 100 År

Moondog 100 År (Moondog 100 Years) was a 2-day musical event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the American avant-garde composer Moondog, curated by composer/guitarist Anders Holst and Jeppe Zeeberg. The festival took place in Literaturhaus, Copenhagen on October 12-13th 2016. 

This festival explored the infuence of Moondog today; the music, the aesthetic and the social context. Six composers were commissioned to write and perform new works with a connection sonically or conceptually to that of Moondog. The composers were Robert Stillman, Michael Rexen, Rasmus Kjær, Anders Lauge Meldgaard, Anders Holst and Jeppe Zeeberg. In addition, the festival also featured the world premiere of a series of works by the composer, recently transcribed from braille.

Leading up to the event Zeeberg wrote about Moondog for the Danish online magazine Passive/Aggressive.
Read it here (in Danish).

Holst and Zeeberg also participated in the experimental music podcast Lyt Dybt talking about the festival and the life and music of Moondog. Listen here (in Danish)

Review in Danish newspaper Politiken

Review in Danish newspaper Politiken

Festival programme